Word by Word

Practical insights for writers from Jessica P Morrell

Archive for the 'Jessica Page Morrell' Category

As this world becomes increasingly ugly, callous and material it needs to be reminded that the old fairy stories are rooted in truth, that the imagination is of value, that happy endings do, in fact, occur, and the blue spring mist that makes an ugly street look beautiful is just as real a thing as […]

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Reminder that Wonder is Everywhere

This is a closeup of a dragonfly wing shortly after emerging, phographed by Kelly Jean Rebar. Be on the look out…  

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What The New York Times Best Books Missed

Alas, the heat wave continues here in the Pacific Northwest. It was 97 on Tuesday, or doomsday for my sweet peas. They bloomed late because of a cold spell in April and May so made a brief, but lovely appearance this season. If you’ve never smelled sweet peas you’re missing out on a divine scent. […]

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Best Books of the 21st Century???

Dawn is shouldering in here bringing another day of hot weather. It got up to 105 this past week. If you live in North America you might be in a similar hotbox.  But I managed to escape to the Oregon coast for a few days of bracing Pacific air. As in temperatures in the 50s […]

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Let me into the dark of your mind

Well, it’s another day of another heat wave. Color me bleak. And sweaty. One of the many reasons I moved to the magical Pacific Northwest was to escape the miserable, humid summers of the Midwest. When the going gets over 90 degrees farenheit, I turn to fiction and films, and, as previously mentioned, TV shows […]

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Get Inspired: Art Surrounds Us

I post paintings on my Facebook page  because in these often-trying times I believe that art affords a unique form of solace. I’m reeling from the Supreme Court ruling granting presidential immunity as are millions of people in this country and countless others around the world. And am in great need to solace. Then I […]

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Yesterday I was awake early and my windows were  open as a persistent and melodious birdsong  wafted in. It  was the false dawn. I’ve long been intrigued by this word pair because not only is it the liminal light that precedes dawn, but it also describes a promising situation that doesn’t come to fruition. The […]

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Happy Solstice to writers everywhere

These beauties are harebells after a rain. They’re also called Scottish bluebells or fairy thimbles.  And they’re edible. I’m not familiar with them, but grow a larger variety of  Campanula, the bellflower.  Their peak season is about over in my garden, but I’m going to try coaxing out more blooms. However, since the harebells are […]

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According to Dorothy Allison: the transformative power of story

On Tuesday night I spoke to writers in Portland and while out of practice with public speaking, I returned to the topic of  the importance of keeping writer’s notebooks, commonplace books, word lists, and ephemera that inspire. Because sometimes words and visions can appear so fleeting it’s best to capture them whenever, however possible. And […]

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