Word by Word

Practical insights for writers from Jessica P Morrell

A new year dawns…

Written By: Jessica Morrell - Jan• 01•25


What are you going to do with the precious hours and days, months and seasons ahead?

What is your plan to bolster your creativity? Engage deeply with your writing?

No matter that we face uncertainty, we can still believe in ourselves. Pause for wonder. Nurture curiosity. Practice everyday artful living.

No matter that divisiveness is served up daily, that corruption is dressed up as revolution; we can connect, talk to neighbors who hold opposing views. Yet we need not hang with people who make our souls weary.

And no matter who lives in OUR White House or if Nazis and fascists are gaining influence around the world, we can build healthy alliances.

No matter that domestic terrorists want us to feel scared and unsafe, we need not cower. We can find sanctuary.

No matter that oligarchs scheme forĀ  more wealth and power, we can seek what really matters to each of us.

No matter that the media is ignoring what needs to be revealed or exposed, we can bear witness, voice our truths.

We can choose light over darkness.

We canĀ  remain enchanted by life as we stubbornly forge a path forward.


And I thank you with a full heart for reading my books, stopping by, and carrying the torch.

Artist: Tatiana Peterson

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