If you’ve been stopping by, thanks for doing so.
My pause here is ending and I’m going to start posting helpful advice and inspiration for writers again.
I’ve been bumbling, enjoying, deploring, gardening, cooking, chafing, and pondering my way through our current state of at-home uncertainty. Also dancing in my living room, connecting with friends and writers, editing, reading, and wasting time. (Pinterest–need I say more?) Then there is my usual all-day news consumption with some letup on weekends.
That long list of house projects created with such optimism–barely touched. But I have given away and sorted books, watched the sky, walked amid springtime glories, planted trees, filled my house with lilacs and now roses, luxuriated in the perfumed air, and am adjusting (somewhat if truth is told) to wearing a mask. Throw in a few Zoom and Skype sessions and life is skewed, but still rich and inspiring.
That is, if I get to bed at a decent hour.
That is, if I don’t try to imagine the future.
Would love to connect with you via an email (my full name including page at gmail.com) on twitter or facebook.
Please keep washing your hands, social distancing, and supporting all our front-line heroes. See you soon around here.
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