Happy Earth Day to all.
I’ve been planting trees and shrubs this spring, added a new raised bed for growing vegetables, and will plant more pollinators to attract bees, including lavender, Russian sage, poppies, and sunflowers. Here’s a list of pollinators that might work in your yard.
As writers there’s so much we can do to support our endangered planet. Here are a few suggestions:
Stay on top of the latest scientific findings on climate change. Here’s a list of 101 sites with credible research.
Talk about the climate changes you’ve noticed in your lifetime, including hard data.
Use fewer plastics.
Add weather to your stories and don’t be afraid to write dystopian or plots that warn of the dangers of environmental changes.
Read the best writers on the topic: It’s Not Coming; it’s Here, Bill McKibben on Our New Climate Reality Robert Macfarlane’s beautiful books will awaken something in you, I promise. I’m a devoted fan of Craig Childs’ work. This essay, Raven, printed in The Sun magazine will illustrate why he’s a writer worth reading. Diane Ackerman is another writer you’ll want to emulate and I guarantee her words will linger within you.
365 books that can start your climate change library can be found here.
Keep writing, keep dreaming, protect our planet
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