Word by Word

Practical insights for writers from Jessica P Morrell

Instructions for Living a Life

Written By: Jessica Morrell - Jan• 15•23

Instructions for Living a  Life

Pay attention.

Be astonished.

Tell about it.

Mary Oliver

Check out the Poetry Foundation for more about Oliver.

I’ve been reading a lot this winter, but haven’t read much poetry lately. Going to remedy that and suggest writers everywhere devour poetry and song lyrics and forage for metaphors and figurative language in all its forms.

I’m feeling so inspired this January and hope you are too.

What inspires you? Are you seeking it out? What about an artist’s date or three ala Julia Cameron? I strolled through an antique mall on Friday and realize how much I seek out visual inspiration. Cameron calls artist dates ‘assigned play.’ One of the reasons I hang out on Pinterest. Too much actually. Do you?

Meanwhile, keep writing, keep dreaming, have heart

And just a reminder: make room for wonder.

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