Word by Word

Practical insights for writers from Jessica P Morrell


Written By: Jessica Morrell - Oct• 01•21

Quick, as in really quick take:

Written By: Jessica Morrell - Oct• 01•21

        Some of the best stories begin with wreckage. All stories need to begin with threat.


Couldn’t agree more because verbs are the ENGINES of your sentences

Written By: Jessica Morrell - Sep• 27•21

“Most people use twenty verbs to describe everything from a run in their stocking to the explosion of an atomic bomb. You know the ones: was, did, had, made, went, looked….One size fits all looks like crap on anyone. Sew yourself a custom made suit. Pick a better verb. Challenge all those verbs to really lift some weight for you. ” ~ Janet Fitch

Might I add: saw, see, put, hear, a nd sit? And I haven’t thought about runs in my nylons in a long time… I used clear nail polish to stop it so I wouldn’t need to throw them away.

Be kind out there.

Quick Take: Stand Your Ground

Written By: Jessica Morrell - Sep• 23•21

Actually I’m talking about the people or story people in your stories. Readers need to know exactly where these folks are located. At all times. Is he or she  standing on a dock watching a purple-hued sunset, or  on a beach gazing in wonder at a  forever sky, or a character waiting impatiently in a crowded grocery store  line with bad music playing too loud while a baby’s wails grows louder and more shrill?

Where is your character located in relation to others? What does the distance between them suggest? Are you suggesting intimacy or hostility by the pair’s posture and body language?

And what  else does his or her body communicate? Does she feel safe in this place? At peace? Or eyes darting around, searching out dangers? Arms akimbo or wrapped across her chest?

And speaking of grounding readers in your story, pull in other aspects of the scene.  Use details to paint the emotional tone, whether it’s tension or gloom  or terror or joy.

Keep writing, keep dreaming, invite magic, stay inspired

Written By: Jessica Morrell - Sep• 22•21

Stories have a way of changing faces. They are unruly things, undisciplined, given to delinquency and throwing of erasers. This is why we must close them up into thick, solid books, so they cannot get out and cause trouble. ~ Catherynne M. Valente

On the Equinox…

Written By: Jessica Morrell - Sep• 22•21

Wishing you balance and a new beginnings as autumn launches in the northern hemisphere.

And writers who are taking part in NaNoWriMo are you gathering your thoughts and ideas, putting together an outline  or  your own method of  pre-planning? Perhaps using a notebook, collecting photos of your characters?

Keep writing, keep dreaming, have heart

any screen shots out there?

Written By: Jessica Morrell - Sep• 09•21

Hi there,

My posts and drafts were lost via a GoDaddy migration problem.

The missing posts happened after July 1,2021. I would especially appreciate a longer column Voice is Identity.

I’ve lost hours of work. If anyone has links or copies of any posts could you please contact me via email at jessicapagemorrell at gmail dot com?

Thanks–more to come once I dry my tears. {Joke. Sort of}


Keep writing, keep dreaming, have heart


Written By: Jessica Morrell - Jul• 01•21

where does fiction come from?

Written By: Jessica Morrell - Jun• 24•21

I think fiction comes from everything you’ve done,  and said, and dreamed, and imagined. It comes from everything you’ve read and haven’t read… I think my work comes out of the culture of the world around me.  I think that’s where my language comes from.~ Don Delillo

Congratulations to Pulitzer winners

Written By: Jessica Morrell - Jun• 15•21


Where would we be without dogged journalists and writers who uncover difficult truths, facts, and problems that need solving? Who help protect our fragile democracy. Who work towards accountability and justice. My profound congratulations to all the Pulitzer Prize winners, including Darnella Frazier for her Special Citation for courageously filming George Floyd’s murder. Her courage and  level-headedness still astounds me. Her testimony at Floyd’s murder trial was elucidating and heartbreaking.

Here’s a link that lists the winners

And here’s a link to an article about what journalism students can learn from this year’s winners. Please support journalism in its many forms.

But you don’t need to be a journalist to make a better world. There are so many ways writers can reveal the truths of our times, truths of the human footprint on this planet. Songs that mend our hearts, stir our emotions, songs that we listen to  over and over because their meaning cannot be denied. Because reading, writing, listening,  especially songs and poetry, feels like soul to soul communication.

Poetry teaches us the power of language and provides solace. Phyllis Knight said it best: “Turning to poetry gives rhythm to silence, light to darkness. In poetry we find the magic of metaphor, compactness of expression, use of the five senses, and simplicity or complexity in a few lines.”

Reading feeds us. Essays enlarge our understanding,  introduce us to other worldviews, help us examine our culture and society.  Force us to examine our own opinions and beliefs.

Fiction transports but also teaches us empathy and stretches our imagination.   Stories decode, shed light on human nature and all our many trials. Teach us how to avoid other people’s mistakes. Help create a life worth living.

All writing forces us to think deeper, understand ourselves more, take stock of our ideas and skills.

Keep writing, keep making a better world, keep dreaming, have heart